failure 163:
Requirement failed: {slk_label.04;slk_label.05.01} leading and trailing blanks are stripped
location |
trace |
/var/opt/lsb/test/olver-core/2013-01-18_15-48-05/ncurses_slk_label_scenario.utz (ncurses_slk_label_scenario.utt), line 320 |
occurence |
scenario |
ncurses_slk_label_scenario |
specification function |
slk_label_spec() |
parameter value |
CallContext context = [pid=3595,thr=b74876c0] |
parameter value |
IntT labnum = 8 |
return value |
(CString *) aa· |
coverage & branch |
pseudo_coverage The only branch |
properties |
REQ failed |
slk_label.04 |
REQ failed |
slk_label.05.01 |
kind |
similar known bug(s)
Upon successful completion, slk_label(labnum) function from ncurses library
returns the requested label with number labnum with leading and trailing
blanks stripped.
But on the target machine there are outputs with unstripped blanks.
Additional information about this bug may be found at